In diving activities, incidents and accidents could be occur including in Indonesia. After these successive events, many people ask questions about how accidents can occur, ranging from beginner divers, professional divers and even the general […]
Author Archive: admin
NAUI Nitrox Diver Class
ENRICHED AIR NITROX (EANX) DIVER This course is to provide the diver with the information necessary to utilize EANx as a breathing medium. The course may be taught as a stand-alone specialty course to certified […]
Recreational Sidemount Diver Training
WHY Recreational Sidemount Diver ?? Sidemount is StyleSidemount is FreedomSidemount is Freedom StyleLearn Sidemount NAUI wayLearn Sidemount ProperlyBe Safe DiverBe Fun DiverMore Enjoy Underwater World …… Requirement : Advance Scuba Diver Benefits Flexibility Sidemount […]
Our Pool Training Always Fun
Why Pool Session Training …..?? By train at the pool, we can mastering all skill required for our Scuba Diving trip at the open water sea… When Pool Session Training ….. ?? + When we […]
Open Water Scuba Diver Course Price List
Open Water Scuba Diver Courses ( Scuba Diver Course —> Rp. 6.300.000,- per Pax Include : Instructor and Training Assistant Teaching Materials, include e-Books in English and Bahasa Indonesia Theory class presentation and discussion in […]
Introduction Courses to Scuba Diving Price List
Introductory Courses ( Try Scuba/Passport Scuba Diver Program Rp. 500.000,- per paxTry Scuba Diving at Pool with Instructor or DivemasterIncluded :– Scuba Diving Instructor and or Divemaster– Scuba Diving Equipment– Pool Fee– Recognition letter Tandem […]
Missconceptions About Scuba Diving
Bring up the fact that you scuba dive at a party the reaction is always the same. Some people will tell you that you are crazy to “risk your life like that”. A few will […]
Why we dives…..
Our world is 70% of water ….. Indonesia is the 2nd largest costline in the world Majority of Corals species and coral abundant is in the Indonesian water Most species of fishes and other ocean […]
Scuba Diving @Bangsring….!
Welcome to Underwater World … Lets Dive ……